Xebra is designed for the serious student and practitioner of clinical medicine. It is an advanced clinical decision support engine. Here’s why you need it now:• CLINICIAN-MIMICKING DDx: Instantly arrive at a high-confidence differential diagnosis of an *unlimited number* of symptoms and all their qualifiers, and any number or combination of physical signs and lab results. But of course you won’t want to just believe us – try it yourself!
• SMART WORKUP: Instantly get a comprehensive workup strategy that gives you a serious plan for what to do next:o what other symptoms (and qualifiers) to ask abouto what physical exams to conducto what labs and tests are most appropriate and useful to order
• | MEDICAL AND NURSING STUDENTS | who want to learn faster, become better more confident clinicians, be more marketable, and provide the best possible care to their future patients
• | PROFESSIONAL CLINICIANS (MDs, NPs, PAs, MD RESIDENTS, TRIAGE NURSES) | who want to:o increase diagnostic accuracy – and confidence!o perform at the level of much more experienced clinicianso increase speed to diagnosis and appropriate diagnostic codeso greatly reduce the chances of failing to ask patients the right questions, take the right physical signs, and order the most appropriate labso significantly reduce costs associated with ordering inappropriate labs and tests, misdirected referrals to specialists, and inappropriate treatments
NOTE: This app does not provide a final, definitive diagnosis. It produces a list of possible causes related to the symptoms, signs, and lab results input by a user. It is the lay user’s responsibility to seek professional medical guidance before taking or refraining from taking any action inspired by the app’s results, and it is the medical professional’s responsibility to bring his or her own judgment to bear on the possible causes and workup suggestions provided.